A downloadable game for Windows

This is a very early prototype of a flight game I've been working on in my spare time, hoping to develop this further into a decent demo and eventually a proper game over time.

I'm uploading this here partially to document my progress over time and partially as a motivator for myself to keep working on the project.
No promises on how regularly I'll update this page as I'm pretty much just working on this project at my own pace for the moment.

The current prototype features a basic test scene with a number of test targets spread around, a flight control scheme with some camera options, a few different weapon (proto-) types, though only the gun and missile are equipped in this build, a target lock-on system that does still need some work and an accompanying minimap that shows the targets near you.
Red and green targets can be locked onto and destroyed, blue ones cannot as they're supposed to be allies, even if none of them do anything for the time being.

So far I have keyboard + mouse controls set up, as that's what I'm using myself.  Still working on getting it all compatible for a controller.

W/S - accelerate/brake
Q/E - turn left/right
A/D - roll left/right 
1/3 - pitch up/down

move mouse up/down - pitch up/down
move mouse left/right - roll left/right
LMB/RMB - machine gun/missile

Esc - pause
Tab - switch target
Space (hold) - look around (via mouse movement, disables mouse control over the aircraft)
C - switch camera mode
R - reset aircraft to start position (doesn't reset speed though)


Buckrider - TB020223.zip 38 MB
Buckrider - TB220723.zip 47 MB

Development log


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Looking good! Can't wait to see where this goes!